Standard Appointment
Small groom $62+
Medium groom $75+
Large groom $95+
Extra Large groom $125+
Bath and Maintenance Appointment
Small groom $56+
Medium groom $62+
Large groom $76+
Extra Large groom $90+
These prices are a guide only. Deviations to these pricing guides are based on coat, body type and condition, as well as temperament of the dog. Please call for further questions on pricing, or swing by with your pooch for an estimate!
Toothbrushing + Breath Freshening
Nail Trimming/Filing
Flea Fee
Our pricing translates to how much time it takes to complete the desired groom. Breaks, transitions, and rest periods are all factored into the standard price.
+Additional time needed: Can include hand scissoring, breed specific clip types, *de-matting, or handling fees due to unruly behavior.
*Note de-matting is not the same as a brush out. Please see our matting policy.